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Network of ASEAN Defence and Security Institutions (NADI)

NADI was first inaugurated in 2007 under the initiative taken by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS). NADI, which serves as a Track II platform, aims to do the following:

  1. A forum to network and to build confidence and familiarity among the ASEAN think tanks and research institutions to facilitate closer cooperation.
  2. A useful forum for policy analysts specialising in defence and security issues, academics researching security cooperation and defence officials to discuss issues of security cooperation that the ASEAN Summit and ASEAN Defence Ministers have raised.
  3. A forum for participants to think beyond their governments' positions and to provide timely fresh ideas and relevant recommendations for the ASEAN defence track to consider. 

Under the establishment of NADI, existing and emerging issues in defence and security operation such as geopolitical dynamics, traditional and nontraditional security, maritime security, environmental issues, cyber security and new technologies are amongst the issues discussed in the hope that it could contribute new ideas and recommendations that are useful and relevant to the ASEAN defence track and the ADMM process. NADI members meet annually through its annual meeting, bi-annual retreat and workshops. As a part of NADI members, SHHBIDSS were given the opportunity to host the NADI meetings and workshops both in 2013 and 2021, coinciding with Brunei Darussalam's turn of chairing ASEAN. 

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